Regina Luminis Academy is a fully accredited Catholic Classical academy located in Berwyn, PA, on the campus of St. Monica.
RLA was founded to assist parents in the education and formation of their children, by providing a classical liberal arts education in the Western tradition that is faithful to the authentic Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.
Meet our Head of School
Mr. Andrew Youngblood
Mr. Youngblood is recognized internationally as an expert in the field of classical Catholic education with over 20 years of experience in teaching, administration, training, and consulting.
Discover the RLA Difference...

At the beginning of every school year, all at RLA prayerfully offer themselves in Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. The basic premise is simply that Jesus came into the world through Mary and that for us to always be assured of being close to Jesus, even closer than ever before, we consecrate our hearts to Mary.

Our students and faculty participate in weekly mass and Adoration at St. Monica Church, on our shared campus. Everything RLA does remains focused on the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The aim of the Regina Luminis Academy curriculum is to educate the “whole person” by cultivating within the student the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity; the Moral Virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance; and the Intellectual Virtues of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, right judgment, and counsel.

In keeping with the philosophy and theology that is the intellectual heritage of every Christian, Regina Luminis Academy seeks to carry on the living tradition of authentic Catholic classical education. Grounded in the seven liberal arts of the Trivium and Quadrivium, the Academy teaches its students how to think like the great thinkers that produced our civilization.

The Living Rosary involves the school community, body and mind, united in contemplating the mysteries of our salvation. Each faculty member and student forms a "bead" of the rosary chain, praying in turn out loud the Pater noster, the Ave Maria, and the Gloria Patri of which the rosary consists. This prayer encourages us all to continue reflecting upon these holy mysteries during the entire school day.

RLA fosters and promotes the Culture of Life! Our students participate in regular pro-life activities like silent prayer vigils outside of Planned Parenthood. In addition, students participate in works of service in the community.