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Miss Tereze Burdett

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher


Miss Tereze Burdett graduated from Regina Luminis Academy in 2017. She studied at Ave Maria University where she also worked at Holy Family Preschool. 


She started training this summer to be a catechist for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium. As a child, she attended CGS herself and during her time at Ave Maria she assisted in the atrium. She believes that God has made her heart for teaching CGS. Tereze approaches teaching in the spirit of CGS by respecting her students as children of God and to lovingly see them through His eyes. â€‹

Tereze started teaching at RLA in 2021. For the past two years, Tereze has been the Pre-K and K teacher’s aid as well as the Elementary Art teacher. She will now be stepping into the role as the Pre-K teacher. 


Tereze is excited to share her joy and talent with her students. She believes that we are to become like little children in a child-like relationship with God. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,” and she strives to bring her students to encounter Christ each day through kindness and gentleness. 


Tereze has experienced the benefits of RLA’s classical education as an alumna and she has been formed in this warm, faithful, and welcoming community. Tereze truly believes that RLA is a family and she wishes to be an inviting presence to new students and families. She is a parishioner of Holy Cross in Springfield, PA

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